Harnessing Algae for a Sustainable Future

Utilizing innovative algae-based solutions and products.

Want to join PriAlgae for a sustainable future?

I am looking for a co-founder that has a background as a researcher and/or with a ph.d that has a background in chemical engineering or biotechnology. 

You can be a student or a person with years of experience. The important fact is that you dream big and want to make the world a better place with green sustainable engineering and products. Together we will aim to make a MVP for funding and further development!

A over all example of the production idea behind PriAlgae:

Technology and product vision

  • Observation and algae strain cultivation station.
  • Vertical/horisontal transparent pipes with algae cultivation.
  • Algae biomass filtration and fermentation.
  • Algae biomass drying process.
  • Cell breakdown process.
  • Desired biomass extraction.
  • Biomass treatment for desired use.
  • Wastewater treatment with algae.
  • Algae production method to obtain energy storage.

The vision behind PriAlgae

  • A production system that is sustainable.
  • Production of oil which is the main focus to start with.
    With time also proteins and other products from microalgae and macroalgae. In that way we can mimic different plant oils and proteins from for example meat.
  • Products made without GMO, but with strain selection and cultivation to control content of fatty acids, lipids, proteins etc. in production from different algae species and production methods. 
  • We want to use CO2 to feed the microalgae and here by obtain pure oxygen as a biproduct from the photosynthesis.
  • We want to use algae for cleaning wastewater used in the production process.
  • We want to use the biomass left over from the extraction process as natural fertilizer and to replace for example fish meat in products, for food purposes and other sustainable products. 
  • Research if it is possible to produce and store energy from the production process, and in that way become energy sufficient.

Why join PriAlgae?

In todays society we depend heavely on oil. In 2023 year alone the global plant oil production reached a massive 222 million metric tons and it is estimated that fish oil/fish meat are taking up 70-75% of the total amount of fisheries today. Plant oil are destroying our rainforests and biodiversity faster than ever globally. Microorganisms are not able to survive in soil with mono plantation, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. CO2 is released at big quantities because of deforestation and mono plantation can not store the same amount of released CO2. Chemical pesticides are affecting all of the above, together with the water systems surrounding the areas of the plant oil plantations. With time, we will make other products, fx proteins and wastewater treatment.

About me:

What do you get out of joining PriAlgae and what do I bring to the table?
You will get a partner who has experience with start-ups and who has done background research on accelerator programs that can be applied for when we have a thorough proof of concept and/or an MVP. I see opportunities where others see limitations, and I have a great passion for nature, sustainability and bioethics. For the last two years, I have been working at an NGO. Here I have acquired experience with fundraising, and I have gained an in-depth understanding of what it takes to start a business from scratch. Through my previous jobs, I have worked with all types of people, and I love to network. In addition, I have worked with team management and SoMe management. I have acquired a basic legal understanding necessary to run a business. I have participated in several innovation projects and have gained experience in innovation processes.
I have built up a network of actors who are ready to give competent counseling, with great contacts abroad. In addition, I am in dialogue with various universities in Denmark.

Want to join PriAlgae, and make the world a better place?

Hit the contact/send application button and send your application and CV today.